Friday, March 2, 2007

Sex and the Stay-at-home-Dad

Being a stay at home Dad is not like it is in the movies. I really thought it was going to be all wild parties, spa treatments, drinking absinthe and having sex with celebrities. It turns out this is a myth, possibly put out there to trick innocent people into becoming primary care givers to small children. These cretins don't tell you about a certain hidden reality: something that I call "child care." You'd be surprised how much time I have to spend doing "child care." In fact, since I've become a stay-at-home dad, I haven't had time for even one of my famous all-night extasy binges with Linsey Lohan and Dick Cavett. and that sucks.

But enough about my problems. I'm sure you're not interested in my life. So, back to Anna Nicole Smith, Jesus and Britney. (I haven't had anything to say about Britney yet, but I've got her in the back of my mind.)

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